Monday 5 March 2007


I'm feeling music tonight. Not that there's ever a time that I don't feel music, but right now, I'm really feeling music, ya dig? These days I'm totally addicted to listening to Kings of Leon, I haven't stopped listening to their new song on their myspace, and I've rediscovered the genius of the first two albums.

They were announced for the Oxegen line-up, which is kinda like Ireland's answer to Glastonbury or the Reading festival. There's a pretty damn good line-up this year, there's like seven bands I wanna see: Kings of Leon, Bloc Party, Babyshambles, Arcade Fire, Snow Patrol, Muse and The Fratellis. Apart from that I was kinda disappointed with the line-up seeing as The Killers are headlining the second day. Two reasons I'm disappointed there: I don't really like the Killers and even if I did, I don't think they're a headline act. Like I love Snow Patrol but they shouldn't be headlining the Saturday, they're not big enough.

But it's all irrelevant anyhow because concert prices in Ireland are RIDICULOUS! A 2-day camping ticket cost €200 this year, which is wup 40 from last year which was up 40 from the year before! Not only that, I mean 200 isn't too bad for a festival, but Roger Waters is performing Dark Side of the Moon and I'd say the only reason it isn't sold out yet is because the tickets cost €100. That's right. 100 euro. For ONE show. I mean I read somewhere that the same concert in the UK was priced at like £40?! I'm not sure but I mean if thats true, £40 exchanges into say, €30. Which is €70 cheaper!

I don't know whether its the Government being greedy bastards or what, because I doubt that artists decide to take the piss outta the Irish market. But its ridiculous! Although even if Oxegen tickets were cheaper I probably wouldn't have been able to go - the festival sold out in an hour and ten minutes. That's what I call popularity!